Saturday, January 21, 2006

Jane Eyre

Okay, so I just finished reading Jane Eyre. Good book. It took me about two nights of staying up late and a daytime of ignoring my children to finish it. I just had to get through it. I just had to know how it would turn out. I just had to know what would happen to Mr. Rochester's crazy wife so that he and Jane could be together.

That said, I am now sad it is over. Great stories, great books are like friends. Especially where this book was written in first person (love it, it's been awhile since I read one) I felt especially close to the heroine. I was really mad about the way her aunt treated her, I could almost sense her hunger while she was at Lowood School, and I was so sad for her when her sweet friend, Helen died. I felt so miserable when on her wedding day, it was revealed that Mr. Rochester was already married and that she would now have to part from the one person who she ever felt close to and safe with.

I cried at the end when Mr. Rochester was telling her how sad and miserable he had been without her.

I just love a good book, but again it is just so disappointing for it to end. Now what? I ask myself. I always think, there will never be a book so good as this again. I will never have a sweet friend speak to me from printed pages. I will have to give up reading altogether. I will have to now write a great story. And then a few months later, another book comes along, and the romance begins afresh. The rapid reading, the rush to finish it, the closing of the back cover after the final page is read and then the sorrow at it ending.

Oh well. It was good. Ms. Bronte did just such a wonderful job in making Jane very real and dear to the reader. Her joy in finding Mr. Rochester was just so-- oh! And the funny thing about reading a book such as this with a somewhat romantic theme, it always makes me feel more appreciative, and more affectionate towards my husband. Like, "Oh yes, he's my Mr. Rochester (or Mr. Darcy, or Bingley, or whoever..)" Does anyone else ever feel like this? Am I totally weird?

And what should I read next?


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. It is always so sad for me when a good book ends. The nice thing with books is that you can always go back and read them again later. I have read Jane Eyre a few times. It is my favorite book ever. It is good to hear that someone else likes it too.


Kathryn Thompson said...

You are not weird. You are true. Try Middlemarch by George Eliot (she's a girl). It's a lot like Jane Austen's stuff. I think they wrote about the same time, but I think she's funnier.

That's where I would go next.

Heather said...

I do the same. When it ends I'm sad, and I love my boy all the more. :)

Ortensia Norton said...

Felt the EXACT same emotions when I read the book 10 years ago. Oh, the emtions that come from that book! I still remember the chair I was sitting on and the blanket I snuggled with as I read the more tender parts. What a great memory!

WarriorWife said...

Yep. That one's a classic. Another one I couldn't put down was Wuthering Heights. I think you'll like that one if you haven't read it yet.