Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Elevator Belly

E saw my belly last night and we had this conversation:

E: You got belly?
Me: Yep.
E: (puts his finger in my belly button) Here's the elevator button. (Pushes it in) Ding--dooong.

He's getting funnier.... This morning he said, "Come on, Mom. Let's follow my tummy!" He's been watching Winnie-the-Pooh lately as it is Reenie's favorite show. (Bee-bee-Pooh, she calls it.)

And I am wondering about this-- has anyone heard of the pregnancy drool? I seem to be having a problem with it lately. As soon as my head hits the pillow, the jaw drops, and the drool starts a-flowing. Is this weird? I can't remember if it happened to me before or not. Sorry to gross anyone out.


Pam said...

Had it. It was just kind of disconcerting when I'd never been a wet pillow gal before. Also had the excess saliva problem during the day and spent lots of time choking myself. Ah, the joys of pregnancy that no one ever talks about : )

Heather said...

Thatishilarious. My space ky and my "e"ky are onthe fritz. Irefus totry tomakthemwork anymore. Also,sorry I didn't call. My longdistancisn'tavailableuntilSunday. Doyou thinkI should geta nwkeyboard?


JD said...

I am new to your blog and I am laughing. You are two drops of pee too funny.

Ortensia Norton said...

Sorry, so memory of drool...though that doesn't mean it didn't happen.