Tuesday, January 10, 2006

To Lighten the Mood

Some (hopefully) funny things:

1. Someone has found my site by doing a search for Princess of Puke. (Hey, I found it amusing)

2. Yesterday while trying to take a nap with E, E started saying softly, "Mommy's Asleep, E's Asleep, Reenie's Asleep, Daddy's Asleep..." (He pasued and then said in a high squeaky voice) "Ashlapoopargahwah!"

3. Last night at dinner Charming said, "all right" to which E responded, "trot out the ladies." (It's from Emperor's New Groove.) E then said, "Yikes, yikes yikes..."

4. Last week I avoided a near shopping cart automible disaster. I had unloaded my groceries and my cart started slowly rolling away, I figured I had it, so I shut my trunk. And then I saw the oncoming car. And, no joke, the rest was in slow motion. I dove for the cart which was about and inch from the silver sedan (A Honda? I don't know) when I rescued it. Fortunately, the nice old man just smiled and waved at me.

1 comment:

Kathryn Thompson said...

I like the ladies comment the best. You're gonna have to keep your eye on that one.