Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Unbloggable

After we went to see our midwife today, I decided the kids and I needed cheeseburgers and fries. We got them, we went home, we ate them.

Exciting, eh?

Well, so sitting at home watching my kids being super cute, eating chicken nuggets and "dip", I thought of something. I thought, "I can't blog this." And yet here I am. No, what I mean is this-- every once in awhile E says something funny to me and I blog about that. Occasionally Reenie does something that I can also blog about. But their everyday cuteness, the intonations in their voices, their mannerisms. These I can never express on the blog, not because I don't want to, but rather because they cannot be conveyed properly.

These things, I guess, are only for me.

How can I for example, blog to make you understand how cute it is when Reenie responds to a question you ask her? She says this clipped little "yes" (she says yes to everything!) and does a slow nod. Do you want a baby at our house? Yes. Do you want to eat crayons? Yes. Should we all sit around like lumps today and do nothing? Yes. And then when she gets really excited she yells "Yeah!!!!" in the most unfeminine, kiddish, yet heartwearming way. But you, you the reader of my blog, will never get to experience this because you can't see her face or hear her voice.

You will never know how cute E is when he gives kisses on command. You will never know just how stubborn he can be, and feel my blood pressure rise when he says no for the fiftieth time. You will never hear one of his silly jokes-- lately he's been telling us that we're robots, and he thinks that's hysterical. You will never hear him sing his cute little songs.

Nope, some things are only for this mommy alone. And sometimes Charming.

But it's like in those early months of breastfeeding, when only mommy can do that special task. I have moments with my babies that simply cannot be shared with a single other soul. Not even Charming. And they make me feel special, and a little selfish too. And I do wish I could share, just so you could know how wonderful it is and feel those tender feelings.

But some things are just for me. Sorry about that.


Ortensia Norton said...

I have heard that about breastfeeding and I hope that one day I get to experience it as I had to bottle feed Milly. But then other times I think 'I loved the freedom of the bottle and the ability it gave me to eliminate some pain so should I give that up?'. Oh, if only we didn't have to go through pain to get great rewards...

Heather said...

And yet, you make it come so alive for us in this post.

Kathryn Thompson said...

Those are the best things.