Sunday, October 30, 2005

Bathroom Time is never my own

Today I decided to treat myself: I used the toilet with the door closed. Moments later I was privileged to see this:

(No, I did not have my camera with me on the can. This was "staged" so I could get a shot for the blog. And if you must know, this is on the other side of the bathroom.)

Anyway. So I have come to this conclusion: bathroom time is not my own. (I pretty much knew this). If I close the door, the little people will still be on the other side, trying to get in.


Heather said...

Dying in Provo! The Little People have to come in! Of course they do. Why wouldn't they want to see what goes on EVERYWHERE you are ALL THE TIME! My daughter's latest is to stand next to the toilet staring with great fascination as whatever I have put into the toilet swirls to its sewer home! :)Zut!

Kathryn Thompson said...

That is the funniest staged picture I've ever seen. Too, very totally true. I just got out of an hour long bath where I sat in the tub with the door locked. The knocking and crying only lasted for a minute or so at the beginning of the bath.