Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Forgotten Confession and Tip Day Tuesday

Kathryn has asked that today's tip be on how to get rid of telemarketers. I have just signed up on the national do not call registry. No more silly calls.

Okay so I forgot to make a confession yesterday. Here it is, number 6:

I derive small pleasure from seeing other people's homes a mess.

This is not because I am like, "Ha, ha, yours is dirty mine is clean." Far from it! It's just that it makes me feel good-like I am not the only imperfect one. Even if I drop by a friend's and her house is not what I would define as "a mess" I still feel a wee bit gleeful if she thinks that it is. Messy homes are an equalizer. They make me feel like my friends and neighbors are more real. At least, it makes me feel more normal. It also helps me to realize I am not living in some kind of sparkling clean countertop, ne'er a toy in sight, twilight zone. Real life brings mess. Real people--real moms anyway- cannot always be in control of it. So I just want to say to everyone: Yea for your messy house! You are normal! Your messy house boosts your neighbor's self esteem! Of course mine probably REALLY boosts self-esteem, but that's missing the point I think.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Amendment to above comment: Guess there are friends of Daringyoungmom but I am the one still in Canada, living in Edmonton and it's way more fun if I don't leave my real name:-)