Friday, October 28, 2005

Cheese and Whine

Apparently string cheese is cannibalistic. Today I caught E giving string cheese a sip of milk. He was putting the straw up to the cheese's "lips" and saying, "want some milk?"

Right now, no one in my house is doing what they are supposed to be doing. I am supposed to be cleaning, since our house looks like a bomb went off and there is Creative Memories stuff spreadout EVERYWHERE. However, I am here. Blogging. E is supposed to be taking a nap. I can hear him playing in his room. S is also to be napping. She is screaming her head off. I continue to type and ignore. I hate it when naptime goes down like this. They need the sleep. I need the break. No one gets it but me.

Why is that?

1 comment:

Kathryn Thompson said...

The cannibalism thing is soooo funny.