Sunday, October 02, 2005

In Praise of Cloth Diapers

Do not be deceived by the title of this entry. My kids wear disposable diapers because they keep their bums dry, I don't want to pay a diaper service and I sure as heck don't want to be standing over the toilet shaking poos off of cloth diapers on a regular basis.

That said, I love cloth diapers. They have so many uses. For the environment friendly types, they can be used as well, a diaper. For anyone else with a baby, they are burp rags in the early months. They are also good for cleaning. For me, they are great for soaking up pee off of the carpet.

Ethan can hold his pee in for up to 5 hours or more. This means that when has an "accident" (or rather, an "on purpose") he really has an accident. He holds it in until he can hold it no longer and once started, he cannot stop. (This is really embarassing when he does it at other people's homes.) Anyway. You get the point. Lots of pee. So I need something ultra-absorbent to soak it all up out of my carpet. What better than something originally intended for holding in lots of pee? They work great, yes cloth diapers are the best. They get an A+ in the reinvention department.

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