Saturday, October 15, 2005

Hot pink dinos

So I saw a fannypack today. Hot pink, nonetheless. (Oh, yeah, and we went to the dinosaur park in Ogden, too-- the true highlight of the day.) When was the last time you saw a fannypack? In use? As I was contemplating this little marvel, I noticed that the woman's daughter also had one. (Hers was purple). And then not but a few minutes later, I saw another woman (totally unaffilliated with pinky pack) also wearing a fanny pack. Hers was leather, however. But she was wearing tapered jeans.

Yeah, so the dinosaur park was fun. My dad is in town and me and the hub took him and the kids up to Ogden, Utah. It's really quite cool-- this big park filled with giant fakey dinosaurs. It was good fun. I am glad we went-- I just wished I hadn't been so tired. Those people never did go back to bed, you know.

1 comment:

Kathryn Thompson said...

What is up with the no sleeping thing? It drives me bonkers too. And it comes and go. At least if you knew it would stay that way, we could brace ourselves for it.