Saturday, October 29, 2005

Trunk or Treat

So here I am thinking it has been FOR-EV-ER since I posted and then I look and see that I posted yesterday. Something is wrong with my sense of time.

Last night was trunk-or-treat at church. For those unfamiliar, people line up their cars in the parking lot, decorate their trunks and kids "trunk" or treat to get candy. E went as a fireman, and S was his dalmation puppy. They were cute. I was somewhat disappointed however, since after three years, it appears that E still does not get Halloween. (I think S has a better understanding. )

Me: Say trick or treat
E: (blank stare)
Me: Do you want some candy?
E: (blank stare)
(They hand him candy)
Me: Say thank you.
E: Thank you.

I then have to persuade him to walk to the next car. Every fourth car or so we have to stop and put the candy that E is clutching to his chest into his bag. With S the trick or treating went like this:

Me: Say trick or treat.
S:(Mumbles some kind of jarbled baby-speak and dives for the candy bowl)
Me: Say thank you.
S:Tak too.

When we got home we dumped out all the candy onto the floor to "de-peanut-ify" since S is allergic to peanuts. The kids almost lost their minds. The sight of all that candy on the floor made them shake their little hands and do little toddler dances. Of course then E and S wanted to open every piece, try it, toss it and get more. They did this a little bit until I decided it was too much stickiness for me.

Fortunately, I think they have forgotten that we have so much candy in our house. But we still have Halloween coming, and they will soon be reminded.

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