Monday, October 24, 2005

Monday Morning Confessions

Fessing up again. It's Monday morning.

1. I like chocolate cake for breakfast.
After my birthday party, we still had about half of my half sheet of cake left. This is not a good thing. Well, it kind of is, because I love chocolate cake for breakfast. And lunch. And after dinner. I know, "say oink." Oink, oink.

2.I have warts
Gross, yes I know. I have had a big plantar's wart on the bottom of my foot since I was pregnant with my son, over three years ago. It's disgusting-- and I have tried everything, outside of consulting a physician, to make it go away.

3. I would rather go to the gynecologist than the dentist.
It's true. I can't handle all that scraping and picking inside my ever so sensitve mouth. I get the jibblies just thinking about it.

4. I think underground parking garages are scary.
Have you ever noticed that in movies and on tv, nothing good ever happens in a parking garage? Every time I am walking to or from my car in a parking garage, I get a little anxious about being mugged or shot at. Is that weird? I don't know. But yes, I find parking garages a little unnerving.

5. I have unintentionally taught my children to kiss us on the mouth
Maybe it's weird, but I remember kissing my parents on the mouth. E started doing it about a year ago, and I just thought it was cute. My husband won't let him do it to him, but I don't really mind. S does it too-- only hers are open mouth. (I keep mine shut!) She's only 14 months, but I'm still thinking we need to curb this little habit...

Well, there you go. If you have decided to give up on my blog because of these "skeletons" well, I can't say I'd blame ya. (Well, maybe I would. If I thought these were really bad, I don't think I would have disclosed them HERE.) Well, Happy Monday! And may all your confessions leave you feeling lightened of your load.


Kathryn Thompson said...

I'm with you on #3. After having 2 kids, woopty froopty doo at the gyno. I still gag and struggle to get through a dentist appointment. Maybe if our kids came up out of our mouths this would change.

Stephanie said...

You crack me up.

Heather said...

Oddly enough I'm also with you on #3. My 14 month old also likes to kiss us all over the mouth, but she's gone to the closed-mouth variety recently. Hallelujah.