Monday, October 31, 2005

It's a tradition...

Well, for the third week in a row-- I'm making a few confessions.

1. I love to vaccuum my house.
It is my favorite chore. I don't know what it is, but there is something about seeing everything that it sucks up and then seeing the clean, fresh looking carpet. It gives me small thrills.

2. I don't have cable

Shocking, I know. I don't want to pay for it, and I know I can't justify to Charming since we get so many channels coming in clearly with our rabbit ears. The only channel we don't get is WB,a nd I am really missing my Seventh Heaven. Apparently my neighbor a few houses down gets WB great with her rabbit ears. And she doesn't even care about Seventh Heaven. Go figure.

3. I just now noticed that summer is gone.
Where did it go? It slipped right by me. I guess I didn't notice because our development is young and we don't have mature trees. But here's a lovely picture from Wheeler Farm of me and the kids:

4. I am still breastfeeding my fourteen-month-old.
Okay, so maybe this is not a big deal, or maybe you're like "Eeew, gross!" Whatever. I never thought I'd be still doing it. It doesn't bother me though. I've seen plenty of adults and older children who no longer nurse. She'll eventually be one of them. (Just like how no one has to bribe a 10 year old with M&M's to use the toilet-- at least that's the thought that gives me hope with E).

Well, I think that's about all the skeletons I am going to let out today-- speaking of skeletons-- HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Here's a blast from the Halloween past:

(I'm the ghost on the left with my little ghost dog. I think I got the idea from the Disney Movie Child of Glass.)

And here's this year's costume:

I am going as a dorky mom! Okay, not really. This is me at the dinosaur park. I just thought it was kind of funny and Halloween-ish.
Until tomorrow!


Heather said...

Okay, it's official. We can be friends. :) I love the confessions. I hope you don't mind if I start confessing left and right on my blog, too!

Stephanie said...

Thanks moonface.

And Heather, go right ahead and confess away!

Neuropoet said...

I'm with you on 2, and actually I breastfed my oldest for 37 months and his little brother for 35 - my oldest is almost eight and has only had to have antibiotics once, his little brother still hasn't had them and he's almost 5. I definitely recommend long term nursing for the health benefits! (Even if you have to sacrifice pre-baby breasts!)