Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Tip Day Tuesday: Outside Help

Kathryn suggested we post useful tips about how we use outside help to make life easier. I myself don't use outside help that much, but here are some thoughts:

1. Find someone with kids around your kids' same age to swap babysitting with. This is great, because it helps out your friend, and you don't have to pay a sitter.

2. This doesn't involve outside help, but does make life easier. I often only cook three or four nights a week because I "plan" for leftovers. I make twice as much, or just the regular recipe amount depending on your family size and then eat it again the next night, either warmed up or in a new form. For example, we might have spaghetti one night, and then the next night have a noodle and red sauce casserole. It saves money and time-- and the hassle of planning!

That's it for me. Is today even Tuesday?

1 comment:

Kathryn Thompson said...

I like the food idea. GOOD ONE!