Saturday, October 01, 2005

Hold onto your butts (and your nose)

The first thing Serena did yesterday morning was dump out the box of the Game of Life.

I have a confession to make-- I have a smelly bathroom. Well, I did, until this morning. I mean, I still have the bathroom, but the smell is gone because I cleaned EVERYTHING. But, as I am fairly certain the smell will return, I feel honest in making this confession. The smell in there was so bad that I hadn't even used the bathroom one day, and my husband said, "what did you DO?" It was bad.

I guess I always naively believed that I would never have a smelly bathroom. That smelly bathrooms were something that other people had. Stinky people. Naughty people. People who don't drink enough water. Having been in a few smelly bathrooms before, I wondered how they got to be so stinky, and even though I now have my own smelly bathroom to speak of, I am still unenlightened as to the origins of the odors. I clean my bathroom once a week, so I don't know why it smells so bad. Maybe it's because it's a half bath, or maybe kid pee just really stinks. Poor ventilation? Diapers? Stink phantoms? I wish I knew.

So after I got the bathroom cleaned, I watched the Saturday sessions of General Conference. They were really good. Made me feel more grateful for everything we have--especially the Gospel. We have food, clothes, good health, children-- you name it, we got it. And even though lately, I have been wishing we had more money so I could do more decorative things to our house, I felt really blessed that we even have a house. Even if it does have one mysteriously smelly bathroom.

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